Blog posts



Data Science Tutorials

8 minute read


A collection of data science, programming, and data visualization tutorials I have found on the internet. Sources referenced.


Using Sed

1 minute read


Get to know sed: The basics

I want to introduce sed in a quick and informal way for anyone who just wants to get a taste of what sed can do.

Using Aliases in Bash

2 minute read


What are aliases in bash?

If you are tired of typing out the same long command over and over again, it’s time to set up a few bash aliases. Aliases allow you to create shortcut commands for longer ones. For example, instead of typing out ls -l, you could type ll + Enter to save time.

Using Latent Strain Analysis (LSA)

10 minute read


LSA was developed as a pre-assembly tool for partitioning metagenomic reads. It uses a hyperplane hashing function and streaming SVD in order to find covariance relations between k-mers. The code, and the process outline in LSFScripts in particular, have been optimized to scale to massive data sets in fixed memory with a highly distributed computing environment. For resources on LSA, see the following: Manual Github Useful Tips Reference

Setting up SSH Keys

3 minute read


Are you tired of typing in a password every time you log into the lab’s server? Follow this tutorial to set up SSH keys so that you never have to type in your password again while logging in!

Using RStudio Server

less than 1 minute read


We now have RStudio Server installed on all CBSU machines! This means that you can run a hosted RStudio session in your browser and not worry about copying over files from the server, or running out of memory on your own machine. Here are the steps you need to follow to use it.

Getting started on CBSUBrito

3 minute read


Disclaimer: This blog post will only be relevant to members of the Brito Lab.


less than 1 minute read


Welcome to my academic page. While working as a computational geneticist in graduate school, I’ve collected a lot of notes about how various programs/methods/fun little tricks work. I want to use this blog to share those insights, frustrations, and solutions. Some of them may only be useful to members of the Brito Lab, but my hope is that most will be general enough that anyone in the bioinformatics world could find them interesting.